  • On August 27 AC users had a lucky opportunity of meeting  with Valorie Lee, the regional Information Resource Officer for Central Asia. Ms. Lee is responsible for the systems of embassy libraries (IRCs) and American Spaces (corners, shelves) throughout Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

  • On August 26th the international book department hosted a discussion club on the theme «Конституция – ең қымбат қазына» "Kazakhstan – the Constitutional state". Moderators of the club were our active English speaking club users. They prepared presentation about  the holiday and spoke about Constitution Day, its history.

    On 30th of August the Republic of Kazakhstan celebrates the Constitution Day, one of the most important

  • On Wednesday, July 10 American Corner Karaganda and the host library welcomed Assistant Cultural Affairs Officer Drew N. Peterson from the U.S. Embassy Astana and a choreographer Tara Compton, of Company E.

    The audience greatly  enjoyed the theme:“Effective use of Social Media:Tools and Techniques”. Tara Ashley Compton was a wonderful lecturer.

  • On April 10, English language Fellow Annah Trunick held a lesson for her Master's students from Karaganda State Technical University (KSTU)at the American Corner Karaganda's virtual library. She gave the engineering students a general notion about the Virtual Library and helped them find specific scientific and technical texts related to their specialities to use for their Academic Writing course. The students were excited to find so many

  • On April 3, the American Corner Karaganda opened a photo exhibit "Modern Women in Kazakhstan" organized by the American Corners in Kazakhstan and dedicated to the American Women's History Month. Through this contest, the AC patrons could show appreciation towards the women's role in everyday life. The best works selected from the 35 submitted photos were sent to the U.S. Embassy to be displayed at this special exhibit. The event was opened by the Library
