  • On April 1, the English Language Fellow Anna Trunick conducted the 5th seminar for local teachers of English and focused this time on Jazz Chants in teaching English. That theme was a tribute to the Jazz Appreciation Month that is celebrated in the USA and at our American Corner in April. During the seminar, the participants used jazz rhythms and created their own chain of words for learning. It turned to be so much fun! As it was the final workshop, the

  • On March 29, the American Corner Karaganda in cooperation with the City department of education conducted the first part of the “Best Lesson Plan” contest among local teachers of English language with the theme “Language through Culture.” The Contest takes place with the support of the US Embassy’s grant “Spirit of Volunteering at the American Corners in Kazakhstan – America is Closer

  • March 18, the AC Karaganda celebrated oriental New year Nauryz and invited English language Fellow Annah Trunick to this event to introduce her to the Kazakh culture. American corner users prepared an interesting program and also invited English language teachers and students from a local college. All information was prepared and delivered in English language that helped the AC patrons practice it. As the result, it was an interesting cross-cultural event that

  • The American Corner Karaganda is the place where cultures meet. Two interesting, informative, and very different celebrations were organized one after the other at the AC premises on March 17 and 18.

    The St. Patrick's day celebration took place on March 17 where the coordinator used materials about the holiday sent by U.S. Embassy Astana. The information about the holiday was shared with the audience. As the result, over 40

  • On March 11 American corner users had another amazing opportunity to learn from Annah Trunick(ELF). She held her third workshop  named "Communicative Language Teaching". Why use games in the Educational process? Language learning is a hard work. Effort is required at every step and must be maintained over a long period of time. Games help and encourage many learners to sustain their interest and motivation. Games also
