  • Dear secondary school teachers!

    We would like to inform you that, The Teaching Excellence and Achievement (TEA) Program of 2018 is open. The Teaching Excellence and Achievement (TEA) Program provides international teachers with unique opportunities to develop expertise in their subject areas, enhance their teaching skills, and increase their knowledge about the United States.  TEA consists of a six-week, non-degree,

  • 12 February 2017, American Corner of Karaganda Regional Universal Research Library named after N.V.Gogol has held first round of the Regional Spelling Bee contest. Spelling Bees have been part of American culture for the last 90 years.  In 1925, the first National Spelling Bee was held in Washington, D.C. with 8 contestants.  Now, every year in June, the National Spelling Bee brings together the top 248 spellers from throughout the United

  • On Wednesday, February 8 Sylvie Young, Regional Program Officer for SCA, Office of English Language Programs,U.S. Department of State, visited

  • Dear college and university students!

    Are you an undergraduate student?  Are you already18 years old? Are you good at spelling? If so, join us for our 2017 Kazakhstan Spelling Bee!

  • XXVIII қысқы Дүниежүзілік универсиада 2017 жылы 28 қаңтар мен 8 ақпан аралығында өтеді. Осыған орай кітапханамыздың оқу залы бөлімінде 24 қаңтар күні "Қазақстанның спорттағы жетістіктері" атты кітап көрмесі ұйымдастырылыды.

    Бірінші Дүниежүзілік студенттік ойындар 1923 жылы Парижде ұйымдастырылыды. Алайда, "Универсиада" деген атау алған алғашқы спорт
