On May 21 English Speaking Club users were speaking about the EXPO - 2017. The moderator Elizabeth Blackburn and the AC staff made a nice presentation upon the subject. The forthcoming exhibition held under the motto "Future Energy" will highlight one of the vital subjects, the world community concerns about – alternative energy sources.
The exhibition theme, in the best way possible, is embodied in the bright and laconic logotype "Expo 2017": the petals, asymmetrically located in a circle, symbolizing energy and perpetual motion.
Over the period of three months: from 10 June to 10 September 2017, the "Expo 2017" will receive about 100 member-countries and 10 international organizations. During the World’s Specialized Exhibition 2017, the member-countries will demonstrate the achievements and prospects for utilization of renewable energy sources and such advantages as ecological cleanness, low operating cost and safety to the environment.
EXPO 2017’s Future Energy theme will promote efforts to find sustainable energy solutions to meet growing global demand.Kazakhstan’s choice of the topic reflects the recognition by the country’s leaders and policymakers that even its vast reserves of natural energy resources are ultimately finite and that eventually the country, and the rest of the world, will have to make the transition to alternative energy sources and greener economies.
Astana also plans to install streaming cameras throughout the expo site to broadcast the event worldwide. Astana will become the first digital EXPO with video cameras and Wi-Fi everywhere so that every corner of the world with access to the Internet can see this historic event.
The "Expo 2017" will become a milestone event for Kazakhstan: no international exhibition of such level has been held in the Central Asian region and Commonwealth of Independent States(CIS) countries before.
All the Club participantsаre eager to visit EXPO-2017.